Once a year, the committee edits the COSME Newsletter, which includes a letter from the president, the composition of the executive board of COSME, a compilation of articles and news related to COSME and Gender Economics, a report on the situation of women in Spain, an invited article, and an interview with the speaker of the COSME Plenary Lecture at SAEe.
These are the COSME Newsletters published so far:
COSME Newsletter 2024
Letter from the President (Judit Vall Castelló) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2024 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Video of keynote speaker Ana Maria Tribin (Senior Economist, World Bank -DECWBL): “Mujeres, Trabajo y Leyes” from the XVI Gender Economics Workshop [link].
Interview to Laura Hospido (Spanish Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business and Banco de España), about the origin of COSME (and its name!) [link].
COSME Newsletter 2023
Letter from the President (Nacho Conde) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2023 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Short videos of Ghazala Azmat and Manuel Bagües summarizing their plenary talks at the XV Gender Economics Workshop and the transcription of the videos.
- Video by Ghazala Azmat (Sciences Po) [link].
- Video by Manuel Bagües (University of Warwick) [link]
- Summary of the main takeaways from the plenary talk given by Ghazala Azmat [link]
- Summary of the main takeaways from the plenary talk given by Manuel Bagües [link]
Summary report of the results of the first AEE survey on the Work Environment in Economics [link].
COSME Newsletter 2022
Letter from the President (Lídia Farré) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2022 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Interview to Nadia Calviño, Vice-president of Spain, and Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation (in Spanish):
- Full interview [link].
- Extracts on: gender quotas [link]; women in STEM [link]; gender differences in Spain [link]; and personal experience [link].
Article: Gendered references and career success in the economics profession (Audinga Baltrunaite, Alessandra Casarico and Lucia Rizzica) [link].
Article: The gender promotion gap in Central Banking (Laura Hospido, based on joint work with Luc Laeven and Ana Lamo) [link].
Article: Giving women equal voice in economics (Hans Sieversten and Sarah Smith) [link].
Video of the keynote lecture by Laura Hospido at the Gender Economics Workshop [link].
COSME Newsletter 2021
Letter from the President (Irma Clots-Figueras) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2021 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Videos with summaries of presentations at the XIII COSME Gender Economics Workshop:
- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes (University of California-Merced) [link].
- Sena Coskun (Universioty of Mannheim) [link].
- Laura Hospido (Banco de España) [link].
- Ana Moreno-Maldonado (EUI) [link].
COSME Newsletter 2020
Letter from the President (Irma Clots-Figueras) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2020 [link].
Article: Gender inequalities during Covid-19 (Monica Costa-Dias) [link].
Article: The effects of covid-19 on gender inequality in paid and unpaid work in Spain (Libertad González) [link].
Article: This Time It’s Different: The Role of Women’s Employment in a Pandemic Recession (Michèle Tertilt) [link].
Article: Gender inequality in COVID-19 times: Evidence from UK Prolific participants (Climent Quintana-Domenque) [link].
COSME Newsletter 2019
Letter from the President (Rosa Ferrer) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2019 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Report: Esther Duflo, the youngest economist and 2nd women to win the Nobel Prize in Economics: a true inspiration for all of us (Mónica Martínez-Bravo) [link].
Article: Can Financial Incentives Reduce the Baby Gap? Evidence from a Reform in Maternity Leave Benefits (Anna Raute) [link].
Interview with María Guadalupe [link].
Videos with interviews of some presenters of the X COSME Gender Economics Workshop: Anna Raute (Queen Mary University) [link] and María Guadalupe (INSEAD) [link].
COSME Newsletter 2018
Letter from the President (Virginia Sánchez-Marcos) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2018 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Report: Women across Subfields in Economics: Relative Performance and Beliefs (Pilar Beneito, José E. Boscá, Javier Ferri y Manu García) [link].
Article: Estilo negociador y confianza: ¿Hay diferencias entre hombres y mujeres? (Antonio Cabrales) [link].
Interview with Anandi Mani [link].
Videos with interviews of some presenters of the X COSME Gender Economics Workshop: Antonio Cabrales (University College of London) [link] and Anandi Mani (Oxford University) [link].
COSME Newsletter 2017
Letter from the President (Matilde Machado) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2017 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Report: El uso del tiempo en el mundo académico: diferencias de género (Manuel Bagüés, Irma Clots-Figueras and Natalia Zinovyeva) [link].
Article: The Changing Nature of Gender Selection into Employment over the Great Recession (Juan J. Dolado) [link] [vídeo-resumen].
Interview with Barbara Petrongolo [link].
Videos with interviews of some presenters of the X COSME Gender Economics Workshop: Manuel Bagüés (Aalto University) [link], Mónica Costa Dias (Institute for Fiscal Studies) [link], Juan J. Dolado (European University Institute) [link], Seema Jayachandran (Northwestern University) [link], and Gema Zamarro (University of Arkansas) [link].
COSME Newsletter 2016
Letter from the President (Libertad González) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2016 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Report: La brecha de género en productividad, evidencia ara trabajadores de alto rendimiento (Raquel Carrasco and Javier Ruiz-Castillo) [link].
Article: Las brechas de género en el mercado laboral español y su evolución a lo largo del ciclo de vida (Sara de la Rica) [link].
Interview with Carmen Herrero [link].
COSME Newsletter 2015
Letter from the President (Laura Hospido) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2015 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Report: La situación de la mujer en economía (Manuel Bagüés) [link].
Article: Households and Inequality (Nezih Guner) [link].
Interview with Michèle Tertilt [link].
COSME Newsletter 2014
Letter from the President (Laura Hospido) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2015 [link].
Artículos y noticias [link].
Report: Participation of Women in the Annual Meetings of the Spanish Economic Association (Libertad González, Matilde Machado and Virginia Sánchez-Marcos) [link].
Article: Youth Labor Market Problems in Spain (Juan J. Dolado and Florentino Felgueroso) [link].
Interview with Lena Edlund [link].
COSME Newsletter 2013
Letter from the President (Sara de la Rica) [link].
COSME Executive Board 2014 [link].
News and announcements [link].
Report: La situación de la mujer en economía en España (Manuel Bagüés) [link].
Article: Hacer ciencias sociales en España (Manuel Arellano) [link].
Interview with Stefania Albanesi [link].